

Customized filter cages

Customized filter cages

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  • Release time:2023-12-20 17:38:29
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Customized filter cages

Filter cages are an important part of the human skeletal system. It is the main component of the chest, located on both sides of the sternum, and has a shape similar to an elliptical skeleton. The filter cage is composed of 24 ribs, with 12 ribs on each side. They are connected to the vertebrae of the thoracic vertebrae, forming a skeleton that protects the visceral organs in the thoracic cavity.
Filter cages can be divided into three types: true ribs, false ribs, and floating ribs. True ribs refer to seven pairs of ribs that are directly connected to the sternum at the front end. These seven pairs of ribs are directly connected to the sternum through a cartilage. False ribs refer to the last three pairs of ribs connected to the sternum through cartilage. Floating ribs are the last two pairs of ribs, which do not have a direct connection on the sternum and are only connected to other ribs through cartilage.
The main function of filter cages is to protect important organs in the chest cavity, including the heart, lungs, and other abdominal organs. Their tough structure can absorb and disperse external shocks and pressures, reducing the risk of damage to internal organs. In addition, the filter cage also plays a role in assisting respiration, expanding and shrinking the chest cavity through upward and downward movement, helping the lungs to ventilate.
In addition to protecting the internal organs and assisting breathing, filter cages are closely connected to other skeletal parts and muscle tissues, jointly maintaining body posture and movement. The filter cage is connected to the spine through intervertebral discs, forming a stable skeleton that supports the weight of the body. The movement of the chest is mainly controlled by the tension and relaxation of the ribs and related muscles. When a person breathes, their ribs move up and down, causing the chest to expand and shrink, allowing the respiratory organs to function fully.
Due to the close connection between filter cages and other parts of the body, the health and function of filter cages are crucial for the entire body. If the filter cage is damaged or affected by diseases, it may cause breathing difficulties, chest pain, and other health problems. Some common cage related diseases include rib fractures, rib cartilage inflammation, chest muscle pain, etc.
To maintain the health of filter cages, people can take some measures. Firstly, maintaining the correct posture and posture is crucial, especially during prolonged sitting and standing positions. Reasonable physical exercise can also strengthen the muscles and skeletal structure of the chest and filter cages. In addition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight, can also maintain the health of filter cages.
In short, filter cages are an important component of the human skeletal system, composed of ribs that form the skeleton of the chest. Filter cages not only protect important internal organs, but also maintain normal body function by assisting breathing and maintaining correct posture and motor function. Therefore, protecting and maintaining the health of filter cages is crucial for maintaining overall physical health.


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